4 Reasons why running warm ups are important.

Did you know a warm up can make your runs feel easier?

Runners who include a static and dynamic warm up before a speed session are more likely to feel the workout is easier and more comfortable than no stretching at all (Faelli et al, 2021). 

On top of that, including dynamic warm ups have been shown to be more effective than static stretching to improve your athletic performance (Konrad et al, 2021).

Although most runners probably know warm ups are important, we don’t do them. (I’ve been just as guilty.)

There’s nothing quite like lacing up your shoes, escaping the house, and getting to hear that soft “pop, pop, pop” of our shoes on the pavement. 

It’s human nature to prioritize... aka skip things we don’t feel benefit us. We are fantastic at getting the tasks done that we need to or tasks that have a deadline. Unfortunately, most running warm ups often don’t fall into those categories. 

But, what if I told you that a simple five to ten minute purposeful and consistent warm up could be THE thing that reduces your injury risk this season? 

Dynamic warm ups that target YOUR specific mobility restrictions should be part of your running routine to improve your form and athletic performance. 

These warm ups get our muscles active and joints mobile, which reduces sensations of tightness. A tight muscle is an ineffective or suboptimal muscle. 

An intentional warm up should have a compounding positive impact over time, not only meant for the run you’re setting out for. 

If you view a warm up as a tool to address your weaknesses in running (we all have something to work on), then you’re less likely to get injured in your next training cycle. 

This image is why:


This image describes the foundation steps that must occur to build athletic performance. At the bottom is the most foundation step - to know your weakness with testing.

Then you’ll notice that building Speed (top of pyramid) requires that we must first address Mobility Movement and Muscle Re-Education (bottom of pyramid).

AKA, a warm up. 

So, a warm up that is actually effective would include some form of mobility and muscle re-education (form) drills. These should be prioritized based on where you lack optimal motion or faulty form patterns. 

A purposeful warm up like this would…

  • Take 5-10 minutes

  • Address 3-4 key areas you need to work on

  • Include dynamic stretching or body weight exercises

  • Be performed prior to a run or lifting session

So maybe you haven’t been doing a warm up because you didn’t know the purpose of them and what you were supposed to do. 

Hopefully after reading this, you now know that warm ups can be utilized to target your weak areas. And that they WILL have compounding positive effects on running performance over time to help you reduce your injury risk in your next training season. 

Unsure of what these recommendations mean for you? Please reach out to ask me about them so I can support your lifelong running goals. Or ask me your questions at: erin@runwellclinic.com


Looking for personalized expert advice on returning to run after injury, or training for your next event? Check out my Services page to see how I can serve your running goals!

Or follow me on Instagram for more tips and content regarding running well.



1. Panariello, R.A., Stump, T.J.S., and Maddalone, D. “Post-Operative ACL Rehabilitation and Return to Play after ACL Reconstruction.” Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. 2016; 24(1): 35–44.

2. Panariello, R.A., Stump, T.J.S., and Cordasco, F. “The Lower Extremity Athlete: Post-Rehabilitation Performance and Injury Prevention Training.” Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. 2017; 25(3): 231–240.

3. Faelli E, et al. “The Effect of Static and Dynamic Stretching during Warm-Up on Running Economy and Perception of Effort in Recreational Endurance Runners.” Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Aug 8;18(16):8386.


Benefits of running warm up, Proper running warm up techniques, Effective warm up before running, Quick warm up for runners, Effective running warm ups, Best warm up exercises for runners, Running warm up routines, How to warm up for running, Pre-run warm up techniques, Dynamic warm ups for runners, Warm up tips for runners, Benefits of warming up before running, Running warm up stretches, Essential warm up exercises for running, Proper warm up for runners, Running warm up drills, Effective warm up strategies for runners, Best pre-run warm up, Running preparation exercises, Safe warm up for running, Running injury prevention warm up, Quick warm up for running, Warm up exercises for long-distance running, Warm up before running a race


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