Why Runner’s Need Strength Training

Are you dealing with nagging injuries as a result of running that just don’t seem to resolve? And no amount of stretching or foam rolling seems to get rid of it for good?

Maybe you aren’t injured, but you’re confused why strength is so important for runners.

Often the summer season is a perfect time to focus on weight lifting before fall marathon training kicks off.

Making a consistent strengthening plan can help improve your speed, optimize your running form, and reduce chance of injury.

Here's what that might look like for long distance runners:

  • Make it simple. Make it repeatable. Make it harder.

  • It takes 6 weeks to make TRUE muscular strength gains.

  • 1-2 days of heavy strengthening and lifting per week

  • Strength session following a hard run workout or the next day

  • 4-6 exercises per lifting session.

  • 4 sets of 6-8 reps at 60% of your maximal effort. This may vary depending on if you are injured or going for larger strength specific gains.

  • Involving both double leg and single leg exercises

  • Favoring larger movements (ex. squats, deadlifts, lunges) over isolated movements (knee extension machine, hamstring curls) whenever possible. This may vary depending on if you have an active injury.

  • Having ~30g of protein within 30 min of end of strength workout

Strength training is often a neglected and misunderstood concept when it comes to being an endurance athlete. Many runners I work with are uncomfortable with strengthening or just don’t enjoy it as much as running.

But I've helped a number of long distance runners start lifting heavy, and they're hooked! You see very fast benefits in the first 2-3 weeks, but if you stay consistent you will see significant injury and speed improvements over a longer period of time.

And if there was a Fountain of Youth, resistance training would be it. There are innumerable benefits to your health and longevity with you lift.

Questions on how to get started? Email me below!


Thanks for reading!
I hope this was helpful and informative! Please reach out at erin@runwellclinic.com for more questions or discussion regarding this or any other topic. 



Effects of Strength Training on Running Economy in Highly Trained Runners: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis of Controlled Trials.
Balsalobre-Fernández, CarlosSantos-Concejero, JordanGrivas, Gerasimos V.


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